Controversial New Coffee Machine Debuted CES Promises To Brew Espresso Using Water Condensed From Thin Air – CoffeeTalk


The KaraPod, a coffee maker that functions as a dehumidifier and uses water condensed from the air in your home to brew espresso, has been a controversial idea. The KaraPod is a countertop version of the KaraPure 2, a machine that condenses atmospheric water and runs it through a purification system that includes heat treatment, UV light, and replaceable filters to produce up to 2.5 gallons (10 liters) of clean drinking water per day. Manufacturer Karawater claims that the filtered water has an “unbeatable pH value of 9.2+”, though there is no strong evidence that drinking alkaline water has real health benefits.

Howard E LeWine MD, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, states that the acidic stomach fluid will not significantly change the pH of the stomach fluid when regular or alkaline water gets down to the stomach. However, using alkaline water to make coffee will certainly change the taste of the finished brew, and whether it’s for better or worse will be a matter of personal opinion.

As Live Science explains, you shouldn’t drink water from a regular dehumidifier or use it to make coffee because its parts aren’t perfectly clean and its storage tank could provide a habitat for bacteria and molds. The KaraPure 2 and KaraPod filter and clean the water they collect, and circulate it to keep it fresh. The machine uses compostable coffee pods with 6oz, 10oz, and 12oz pour sizes and can also dispense hot or room-temperature water. It will be available to order direct from Karawater for an early bird price of $249 (about £200 / AU$400).

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Source: Coffee Talk

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