Coffee in a Tube Squeezes Like Toothpaste for Brewing … or Eating


No Normal, a Swiss startup, has introduced a new coffee style for climbers, backpackers, and outdoor adventurers. The new coffee paste is a tube of dissolvable paste that can be mixed with water in a cup, spread onto breakfast pastries, or gobbled straight out of the tube. This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get a morning dose of caffeine before pushing off farther into the wild or urban jungle.

Drinking coffee in the wilderness is easier for those who really don’t enjoy coffee, but it becomes more difficult once you graduate to preferring specific brands, roasts, and brewing methods. Bringing along a full grinder, press/pour-over, beans kit can quickly overwhelm packing limitations for ultralight trips, and lightweight, ultra-portable solutions like packets of instant tend to miss the mark in the flavor department.

No Normal Coffee offers a unique alternative to traditional backcountry coffee solutions by providing a squeezable concentrated concoction packaged in a 100-g (3.5-oz) capped aluminum tube that can be recycled after the last dollop of coffee dribbles out. Two teaspoons of paste dissolve in hot or cold water to make a cup of coffee, making each tube make between 15 and 25 cups, depending on the size of your camping mug. If you can’t spare any water, the No Normal coffee can be eaten right out of the tube or spread on food, such as a banana or piece of bread.

The ability to just eat it straight separates No Normal from other backcountry coffee solutions, eliminating the need to pack a cup, extra water, and any of the other brewing paraphernalia necessary for other portable coffee solutions. It also has the promise of saving time in the morning and delivering a mid-afternoon caffeine burst without so much as stopping to take off one’s backpack.

No Normal has been marketing its tubular paste at the outdoors and adventure sports market and worked with dozens of outdoor enthusiasts while developing and refining the product. It launched this week at Munich’s Outdoor by ISPO show after making its first public appearance at the Yeti Xtreme Verbier freeride ski/snowboard event in March. The company officially launched its coffee at the show and is now offering the tubes for US$18, plus shipping.

Read More @ New Atlas

Source: Coffee Talk

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