A Positive Update on the Bitty and Beau’s Coffee Shop


Bitty and Beau’s is a coffee shop that aims to provide a supportive environment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The business was founded by Amy Wright and her family in Wilmington, North Carolina, eight years ago, after realizing that 80% of people with disabilities lack jobs in the US. With 20 shops nationwide, Bitty and Beau’s has expanded to Pittsburgh, a city known for its community and the Strip District.

Employees at Bitty and Beau’s enjoy the confidence that a job offers and the personal touches they receive on every cup. The shop also strives to foster meaningful connections, meeting new customers and people from different states visiting from out of town. Visitors find the atmosphere positive and welcoming, with the mission of the business being fully realized. Visitors can visit Bitty and Beau’s anytime they’re in the Strip for a coffee and a smile.

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Source: Coffee Talk

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