Last change to register for NZ Latte Art Championship 2023


The Meadow Fresh New Zealand Latte Art Championship 2023 will take place on 5 August at The Sapphire Room in Auckland.

The competition comprises two separate rounds, a preliminary round and a final round.

The preliminary round will take place on stage for eight minutes, where two identical free-pour lattes and two identical designer lattes are produced.

The highest-scoring six competitors will compete in the final round on stage for 10 minutes. In the final of this championship, the baristas present two identical samples of ‘art in a cup’ for three different beverages: two separate sets of matching free-pour lattes and one set of matching designer latte patterns.

The first two pours will be made only with a jug of milk. The designer latte can be made with any surface aid at the choice of the barista. To ensure that the presented art is what the barista intends to deliver, the judges will be given a photo of the intended design prior to the start of the presentation. Artistic impressions of the design are allowed alongside the image but the photo shall be the point of reference to the judges scoring.

The beverages will be judged for visual attributes, creativity, identical patterns in the pairs, the contrast in the patterns, and the barista’s overall performance.

The championship leads to the World Latte Art Championship 2024 next June in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Entries close Friday 14 July at 6pm.

To register for the event, click here.

Source: Bean Scene Mag

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