Largest Sailing Cargo Ship To Carry Green Coffee Beans From Colombia To Canada – CoffeeTalk


Canadian coffee company Café William has launched its first voyage of a new cargo ship, which will transport 50 shipping containers of green coffee beans, including those from the ANEI cooperative in Colombia, to Quebec. The company has partnered with TransOceanic Wind Transport (TOWT), a company that aims to decarbonize shipping through wind-powered sailing cargo ships. The ship is set to ship ten times more beans than its trial voyage in 2023 for the company’s Wind Series. This is the first TOWT trip to Canada and the largest sailing cargo ship of the 21st century, marking a milestone in maritime transportation history. Café William’s Chief Innovation and Commercial Officer, Serge Picard, expressed the company’s mission to find alternative options for shipping coffee, as much of it is transported on fossil fuel-powered ships. The first trip demonstrated that wind power could be used to bring coffee beans to Canada, but these larger ships will enable the company to sustain operations and move towards zero-emission coffee shipping. Cafe William is one of the main organic and fairtrade importers of coffee, sourcing beans from farms with fair compensation and stable livelihoods.

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Source: Coffee Talk

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