A Coffee Shop In Virginia Is Making The World's Only 100% Compostable Instant Coffee Pods – CoffeeTalk


Guide Roasting Company, a coffee shop in Chesterfield County, Virginia, is making the world’s only 100% compostable instant coffee pods around the clock. The machine, which produces millions of K-cups a year, is the only one in the world making instant coffee pods with freshly roasted grounds that are 100% compostable, including the packaging. The pod-making, roasting, and front-facing cafe business combined has doubled year-over-year since starting during the COVID-19 pandemic, with most of the revenue coming from partnerships with small-owned coffee roasters across the nation.

The company’s sister company Green Pod Coffee Packing also operates 24/7 to keep up with the growing sports tourism in the area, largely due to the River City Sportsplex. The company has noticed that there are more soccer games now than when it first came in, and they are seeing a lot of business pick up just from that. Chesterfield County leaders have recently broken ground for a new spray park at the Sportsplex and announced the return of Southside Speedway, a stock-car track that brought in racing fans near and far before shuttering in 2020.

Kratzer hopes that sports fans searching for their next sip of coffee can come to their location and come away with a new desire to brew coffee in a more eco-friendly way. They are trying to be a part of that education and help people connect the dots with what they can compost and how easy it can be.

Read More @ WTVR

Source: Coffee Talk

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