CQI To Launch Industry-wide Skills Survey – CoffeeTalk


Coffee Quality Institute (CQI), the organization that awards the Q Grader certification, is assessing its skills to inform possible curriculum updates. The organization is conducting a global survey of coffee cuppers, including Q Graders and professionals working in coffee quality evaluation, to ensure that trainings reflect the industry’s needs today. The survey is designed to be quick and easy to complete, offering multiple languages to encourage diversity of participation. CQI’s Curriculum Manager, Merrill van der Walt, has recently joined the organization to assist in this effort and strengthen education services. The survey is designed to be quick and easy to complete, and details will be released through social media and other platforms. CQI’s goal is to ensure that professional certifications reflect the skills used in the workplace, and this cupper’s survey is an easy way for professionals to have their voices heard and their work examined. The survey is expected to open in early October, with details to be released through social media and other platforms.

Read More @ CQI

Source: Coffee Talk

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