Cambio Aluminum Coffee Pods Designed For Recyclability – CoffeeTalk


Cambio Roasters, a Charleston-based coffee provider, has launched aluminum coffee pods designed for Keurig machines. The company aims to address the environmental crisis caused by 40 million plastic coffee pods ending up in landfills and oceans daily. The aluminum pods are considered an eco-friendly and high-quality alternative to plastic, as they are infinitely recyclable and retain over 60% of the aluminum ever produced in circulation.

Plastic coffee pods have been criticized by some environmental advocacy groups due to their low recycling rate and questionable recyclability prospects. However, Cambio Roasters CEO Kevin Hartley believes that the switch to aluminum can boost the coffee pod recycling rate. Plastic coffee pods are notoriously problematic for the environment, with only 3% of them being successfully recycled into new products.

The company also claims that traditional plastic pods are inadequate at preserving coffee freshness due to their porous nature. Aluminum pods provide a nearly perfect oxygen barrier, ensuring the coffee maintains its intended freshness and flavor from roast to brew. This innovation not only enhances the coffee-drinking experience but also aligns with Cambio Roasters’ commitment to quality and sustainability.

Cambio Roasters has announced a new partnership with Florida-based 4Ocean, which it describes as founded by two surfers with a mission to eradicate plastic from the world’s oceans. The new aluminum pods will be offered through more than 1,000 retail locations nationwide, including Walmart, Hannaford, Harris Teeter, Giant Martin, as well as through its own website and Amazon.

Read More @ Recycling Today

Source: Coffee Talk

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